New version of CurlWrapper (v1.1.0) - OOP wrapper for cURL
My scripts 15:51 / 05.07.2021 1 826
You can read more about CurlWrapper, a small and simple OOP wrapper for PHP cURL with no overhead, in this publication.
The new version (v1.1.0) adds functionality for setting basic configuration parameters:
- User-Agent
- Timeout
- Referer
- License: MIT
- GitHub URL:
Example of using version v1.1.0
File: examples/simple_request.php
use Icemont\cURL\CurlWrapper;
$curl = new CurlWrapper();
* Changing the configuration parameters
$curl->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CurlWrapper/1.1)');
* Adding the header and parameters
$curl->addHeader('API-Key: TEST_KEY');
$curl->addParam('test', 'value');
$curl->addParam('param2', 'value2');
* Executing the query
echo 'Request response code: ' . $curl->httpcode . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Request error string: ' . $curl->lasterror . PHP_EOL;